It's hard to believe that basketball season is already upon us.
First we would like to announce the basketball coaching staff.
Listed below are the coaches that the RHAA board has selected for the coming basketball season.
Boys Varsity
Head Coach: Galen Johnson;
Assistant Coach: Walter Williams
Varsity/JV Team Coordinator: Tony Davis
JV Boys
Head Coach: Tony Davis
Assistant Coach: Chuck Cook
Helpers: Joshua Riefer (when available)
Girls Varsity
Head Coach: Jill Dalton
Assistant Coach: Tiffany Marshal
The rest of the information is intended for RHAA boys basketball only. Girls basketball is already offering open gyms on Thursdays. Additional information about try-outs will come out as a different communication.
We want to take this time to get you some information out on the upcoming season. We will begin having open gym/conditioning starting on 9/18 and one each of the following two weeks. Tryouts will start on 9 October and there will be a total of 4 tryout sessions. See the schedule below for details. If your son played for RHAA last season, he will need to attend the open gyms scheduled for the team he played for last season. The Junior team members and JV team members will need to attend the JV open gyms, and varsity players will need to attend the varsity open gyms. No self-promotion to the varsity level will be allowed. It will be the coaches' decision to move a player up to a higher level or down to a lower level. There is no guarantee that your son will play at the same level/team that he did last season. Tryouts will be used to determine who is on which team. Any new players age 16 and under should attend JV open gyms, and age 17 and over should attend varsity open gyms
We are expecting a large number of players to be at the open gyms and tryouts. We will likely have to make cuts this season, but that really depends on the number of players that tryout. We have considered many options for teams, but are leaning toward having a JV boys team, a JV boys practice team and a varsity team. We will get you more information on this JV practice team concept later. All of this is really dependent upon the number of players that try out, as stated earlier. Open gyms are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged. Open gyms are not tryouts, but the coaches do use them to evaluate players, therefore, please attend them if at all possible. We desire to have competitive teams with players that love to play basketball. If your son is involved in other activities that require him to miss a significant number of practices and games, he may want to consider not playing basketball this season. It isn't fair to the coaches or players if a player is missing a lot of practice time and games due to other activities.
If your son plans on wearing knee pads, arm sleeves, or a shirt under his jersey, they will need to be solid white in color. Rules require that the team all wear the same color of these items, and we have chosen white. They are welcome to wear whatever color they want to practice.
Listed below are the coaches that the RHAA boad has selected for the coming basketball season.
Listed below is a schedule of upcoming events.
Sep 18 - Open gym/conditioning - Redeemer Lutheran in Rolla - Varsity at 6:00 & JV at 7:30 - 9:00
Sep 25- Open gym/conditioning - Redeemer Lutheran in Rolla - Varsity at 6:00 & JV at 7:30 - 9:00
Oct 4 - Open gym/conditioning - Redeemer Lutheran in Rolla - Varsity at 6:00 & JV at 7:30 - 9:00
Oct 9 - Tryouts - Time and location to be determined
Oct 11 - Tryouts - Time and location to be determined
Oct 16 - Tryouts - Time and location to be determined
Oct 18 - Tryouts - Time and location to be determined
* Teams will be announced by 7 pm on Oct 21
Oct 23 - 1st day of regular practice - Time and location to be determined
The game schedule is posted now on the Basketball Specific Calendar at ( These dates are subject to change due to facility availability and will be finalized by the end of October.
Thank you,
RHAA Board